Travis Truax


Travis TruaxTravis Truax earned his bachelor’s degree in English from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in 2010. After college he worked seasonally in various national parks out west, including Zion, Olympic and Yellowstone. He worked as an editorial assistant for the University of Oklahoma Press before settling in Bozeman, Montana last September. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Flyover Country, Quarterly West, San Pedro River Review, Pinyon Review, The Flagler Review, The Kentucky Review, and The Meadow.

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What’s on your nightstand?

A friend of mine recommended Run with the Hunted, so that is what is on my nightstand today. It is a Charles Bukowski reader put together chronologically, with poems and short stories and novel excerpts. Interesting and well done, well organized. I have to say, though, that Judith Kitchen has had my heart for the past few months.

Tell us about your favorite bookstore.

As I live in Bozeman currently, I love Country Bookshelf and Vargo’s. Back in Oklahoma, where I went to high school and college, I enjoy a stroll through Full Circle Books in Oklahoma City. But my favorite may be Montana Valley Books in Alberton, Montana, off I-90, just east of the Idaho line.

What’s your writing routine? Do you have a favorite time and place to write?

I write every morning at the kitchen table. I try for an hour or so of quiet before the day begins. I love the kitchen table and coffee, a window onto the back yard. I have that daily, and then the evening is occasionally filled with some more impulsive writing, depending on what project I am involved with.