Jack Estes
Jack Estes is the author of the critically acclaimed book A Field of Innocence, a memoir of his service in Vietnam in 1968-69, which was a finalist for the Oregon Book Awards. Jack is a past winner of the Willamette Writers Kay Snow Writing Contest in both fiction and screenwriting. His articles and essays have appeared in Newsweek, the LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune and the Oregonian. His script A Soldier’s Son took first place in the FilmMakers International Screenwriting Contest. His new book, also titled A Soldier’s Son, is scheduled for release in 2016. More about Jack at jackestes.com.
What’s your creative process?
I never write early in the morning. It’s usually after I have consumed a Rock Star or two, read the New York Times, and taken my little Alex to school. When I have exhausted reasons not to write, then I do. I can write off and on through out the day and sometimes into the night. I never really have experienced writer’s block. I work in bursts of inspiration but may not write for weeks. When I am on vacation I write every day for several hours a day. Everything I have ever published was rewritten many times and edited by my wife.
What are your favorite books?
My favorite books of all time would be The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien and a collection of short stories and novels by Ernest Hemingway. I guess I liked them best because they introduced me to real writing. Like the first girl you ever kissed. Thanks for asking.