Brian Doyle
Brian Doyle is a self-described ambling-shambling Oregon writer. Among his works of nonfiction, fiction, collected essays, and short stories are Mink River, The Plover, Martin Marten, Children and Other Wild Animals, Bin Laden’s Bald Spot and Other Stories, A Book of Uncommon Prayer, The Grail: A year ambling & shambling through an Oregon vineyard in pursuit of the best pinot noir wine in the whole wild world; and his most recent novel, Chicago (St. Martin’s Press, 2016). Brian is the editor of Portland Magazine at the University of Portland. He is also a charter member of the newly-formed Timberline Review Advisory Board.
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What’s on your nightstand right now?
Kipling’s Plain Tales from the Hills. Yes, he was an imperialist dog, but by god that man was a superb short-story writer, nearly as good as Chekhov. Also just discovered the nature writer Franklin Russell who wrote a masterpiece called Watchers at the Pond. Terrific.
Are you more likely to buy a print book or ebook?
Print, though I have great respect for hand toys. That’s the way to fly to Africa, with 300 books on your hand toy.
Tell us about your favorite bookstore.
Broadway Books. Sometimes, no kidding, they pour champagne at readings. I kid you not.
What book made the biggest impression on you as a kid?
The Wind in the Willows, Big Red, Hound Dog Man. I wanted to live in those books.
Besides writing, what’s your passion?
Kids, lovely bride, pinot noir, bossa nova, and pro basketball. Are there other sports?