Corbin Kottmann


Corbin Kottmann – Version 2Corbin Kottmann is a new writer and freelance blogger from Washington, Missouri, building his writing platform while studying at Truman State University. He is currently finishing his first novel while completing degrees in English and Communication.


Do you prefer reading print or e-books?

I tend to enjoy print books more than digital. Nothing beats cracking open a brand new hardback. Reading a novel on a screen just doesn’t have the same effect for me.

What’s your writing routine? 

I like writing late at night, mostly because I hate getting up early. I find myself doing the bulk of my writing after Ten O’Clock, when I’ve hopefully taken care of everything else for the day and focus on just one thing.

Beside’s writing, what’s your passion?

Cooking! Well, really it’s eating, but calling it cooking makes it sound much better. I’ve been collecting recipes and cookbooks and spent the past year coming up with my own pizza crust recipe. I haven’t bought a frozen pizza ever since.